The Impact of Visualizing
Visualize, every day for five minutes or more,
the life of your dreams as if your dreams had already come true.
What do you visualize about . . .
What can go wrong?
Why can’t I reach that goal?
Why can’t I do anything right?
What if I get cancer?
I’ll never be able to pay off my credit cards?
Suppose I lose my retirement?
Why does this (bad thing) keep happening to me?
For every second your mind is wrapped up in those thoughts, you are doing several things:
1) You are helping to create them (or something similar) and draw them to you.
2) You are stealing a second of happiness from the present moment.
That is a hefty price to pay for visualizing the wrong things.
Instead, ask yourself empowering questions and allow yourself to savor and wallow in the answers.
Take a moment to think about what you want in your life – how you’d like your life to be.
Paint a picture in your mind and fill in the details. The sensations, the smells, the whole package.
Write down those things and spend a few minutes in the morning and before bed pretending you have that. What are you doing? What does it feel like?
What would I do with an extra hundred dollars a week?
How would it feel to be perfectly healthy? (If my skin was clear? I could walk without pain? I could take deep cleansing breaths? . . .)
Suppose I loved my job?
How could I make my job more fun?
What would it feel like if I attained my goal?
Imagine success, not failure.
Visualization is always at work in our lives – what are you visualizing?
The choice is yours.
Cost: $0
“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” ~ Dale Carnegie